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Grow Your Business

Indiana SBDC advisors are available on every step of your entrepreneurship journey. Meet with one of our no-cost advisors to think strategically about growing your business.

Manage Growth

Financial Management

From financial projections to cash flow analysis, our SBDC advising experts can help to ensure your business is sound through every stage of growth.

Business Planning

Business planning doesn’t stop after launching your business. Work with an SBDC advisor to help update your business plan annually to strategically manage your business roadmap.

Capital Access

Capital is essential to growing your business. Our advisors can help you determine which funding source is right for you and connect you with our network of finance partners.

Talent Acquisition

Growing a business requires a team. The Indiana SBDC can help you develop human resource practices and maintain talent that allows you to work on your business, not just for it.


New Markets

Are you ready to expand across your region or to another state? SBDC advisors can provide you with the tools to understand your competitive markets and how to access them.


Two-thirds of the world’s purchasing power is in foreign countries. Don’t miss out! The SBDC has a team of export advisors ready to set you up for exporting success.

Government Contracting

Government contracts are a great way to increase your profits. Work with an SBDC advisor to see if government contracting is right for you and get connected with resource partners.


Increasing efficiency and developing a new product are just a few ways to bring innovation into your business. Our Advisors can help you access the knowledge, financing, and resources to explore innovative opportunities.

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Interested in learning more?

Contact the Indiana SBDC office nearest to you!


The work isn’t over after you have launched your business and neither is ours. The Indiana SBDC is here to help you on every step of your business journey through our statewide network of experience small business advisors.